Chuck Melton is a FileMaker 9-12 Certified Developer and Application Development Manager employed by MainSpring, a development firm outside of Washington DC. He has been working with FileMaker for over 10 years and takes on senior level projects, including developing custom mobile applications. His favorite part of development is custom-crafting solutions that will become valuable tools for his clients to help meet their business goals. Prior to working at MainSpring, he was a support contractor for FileMaker Inc. and Apple Computer after he attended Essex Community College and Towson University. He is an avid Baltimore Ravens and Orioles fan.
- Atlanta FileMaker Developers
- Birmingham FileMaker Developers
- Connecticut • Massachusetts FileMaker Developers
- Indiana FileMaker Developers
- Philadelphia • New York FileMaker Developers
- Portland FileMaker Developers
- St. Louis • Missouri • FileMaker Developers
- Washington, DC • Baltimore FileMaker Developers